The Sled Dogs
Our Pack of Friendly Sled Dogs is made up of Alaskan Huskies, Siberian Huskies, and Eurohounds.
While some of our Dogs come to us as rescues and second-chance dogs, many of them have a Family line that can be traced back up to 8 Generations started by my Father’s Dog Sled Team! This line of Dog’s has been with my Family for 37 years!
Our Dogs are our Family too! We don’t re-home our dogs simply because they no longer run. We continue to provide a happy and enriching environment that meets their diverse needs as they age.
Our Dogs love meeting People! They are well socialized and very friendly, so be prepared for jumping and kisses, they’ll be excited to meet you!
Our Kennel is also a Haven for a number of Sled Dogs that have come to us from “less than desirable” circumstances. Their Backgrounds have instilled some fear of Humans in them and we work to overcome that while they slowly settle into a new life here. Their Kennel is a respite for them from the sudden movements, loud noises, strange smells, and presence of strangers. It is a slow, but rewarding process to watch these dogs come out of their shells and learn to trust and love people again. These members of our Pack still love to run and live with their furry companions, but prefer to do so away from the General Public, working one on one with those of our Staff and Family that they have bonded with.

Alex Therriault
Alex began dog sled racing (starting with just one dog) at only 3 years old! His Father Paul raced professionally before Alex was born, and passed the Family kennel onto Alex when he turned 18. Alex and his family have maintained their kennel of Sled Dogs since 1987 and started sharing their passion through tours with the public in 2013.
Alex holds a Silver Medal from the International Sled Dog Racing Association, Gold in the Maine State Championships and placed 4th in the World Championships in Laconia in 2011! He recently placed 2nd at the Can-Am Crown International Dog Sled Races in 2022 and 3rd in 2023!
Alex and his Family are looking forward to sharing with you the excitement and love both they and their dogs have for sledding!
The Therriault Family
Paul Therriault instilled a love of Dogs and Dog Sledding in his sons Alex and Brandon from the very beginning! He started the Family Kennel in 1987 with only a six Dog team and the kennel has grown every year since!
Ask any of the Therriault Family and they’ll retrace their Family dog’s lineage back eight Generations to the cornerstone Dogs that started it all- Cinder and Buffy!
Paul is an accomplished musher with 37 years of experience on a sled! He is the owner of Arctic Star Sled Works. When he’s not on a sled he can be found in his workshop building or repairing traditionally made wooden dog sleds.
Alex’s brother Brandon is our Lead Guide and Kennel Manager here at the Ultimate Dog Sledding Experience. He too is a life long Dog Sledder and now a Father of two young boys he is instilling the Family passion in!